Gettysburg Stories

“High praise for your research, presentation, as well as your skill and diplomacy in responding to audience questions….  [We were] reluctant to leave… at the end of the program.”
– Audience feedback

An artillery shell hit her house–and exploded.  A second shell exploded inside the house, and a third.  Catherine was inside the house the whole time, along with her elderly parents and a cousin visiting from Johnstown.  Close call, after call call, after close call… and not one of them was even scratched.  I think of the Fosters as some of the luckiest people in Gettysburg.”

I’ve been a tour guide and storyteller in Gettysburg since 2002.  I’ve given well over a thousand live performances in Gettysburg, booked through four different tour companies.  I’ve presented related storytelling programs all over the midstate on my own.  And after all that time, and all that research, I’m still learning new things every single year.

Now, I’m taking some of my best stories on the road, and bringing them to you.  Just book a meeting room at your hotel, or gather around your campfire, and I’ll come and introduce you to the stories of Gettysburg.  I can even come and perform at your school, your business, your community, and bring Gettysburg’s history to life, without all the expense and hassle of a bus trip.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’m particularly fascinated by the civilians of Gettysburg.  These aren’t people who volunteered or enlisted, they didn’t go looking for a fight; they just woke up one morning, and there it was on their doorstep.  Their stories are inspiring, sometimes gut-wrenching, and they’re also eye-opening.  History isn’t just about generals and troop movements, after all; it’s about ordinary people, just like you and me.